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Posted Jul 20, 2001 at half dozen:04:25 PM Subject: SRA Reading Mastery? I will exist instruction Thousand-5 LD Resource this autumn. I saw my classroom this week and the reading program used in the by is SRA Reading Mastery. Does anyone accept an stance on this program? I desire to use the all-time possible for my students, however, if this is skilful I don't want to waste material money buying something else. I take ordered Reading Reflex and promise it tin can help. Thanks, Kathye |
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Anonymous Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 21, 2001 4:thirteen:xx AM Subject:Re: SRA Reading Mastery? It is a very good program and very constructive. It is rather unlike from Reading Reflex every bit you will discover when you sit down and compare them:) merely I would not be reluctant to use information technology. Having a choice is a good thing though. Robin |
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Anonymous Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 21, 2001 11:49:45 AM Discipline:Re: SRA Reading Mastery? Kathye: Kathye: I'd like to add to Robin's post to you. She writes: <<It is a very good program and very constructive. It is rather dissimilar from Reading Reflex every bit you will find when you sit down and compare them:) but I would not be reluctant to use it. Having a choice is a good thing though.>> Reading Mastery does not address decoding skills once students reach Reading Mastery 3. So you would still need a expert decoding/encoding program to help those other students who enter your classroom. Likewise, you might want to consider supplementary comprehension activities that go beyond recall/inferencing. Unfortunately, Reading Mastery does not practise a skilful task with higher order thinking skills. But, don't get me wrong, it's a cracking program for transitioning a child from all decoding to reading for pregnant. Not only that, the program inspires confidence in students. (Information technology's almost impossible to do poorly on their tests!). I administered the Unit ane Test of RMIV to i of my students on the last day of school who has bully difficulty in the area of comprehension. He earned 100% on the exam. He was ecstatic! Marilyn |
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Anonymous Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 24, 2001 half dozen:46:fifty AM Subject:Re: SRA Reading Mastery? Thank you lot both for helpful communication. I think I may use the Reading Mastery materials to supplement other approaches. It is always good to get suggestions from others. Thanks Again, Kathye |
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Bearding Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 24, 2001 11:32:17 AM Field of study:nearly impossible to do poorly ? If the SRA Reading Mastery tests are and then easy that they are almost impossible to practise poorly, does it give an authentic assessment of the child's comprehension? How would the child perform on other tests of comprehension? |
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Anonymous Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 24, 2001 three:27:41 PM Subject:Re: almost impossible to do poorly ? D: <<If the SRA Reading Mastery tests are so easy that they are most incommunicable to practice poorly, does information technology give an accurate cess of the child's comprehension? How would the child perform on other tests of comprehension?>> Unfortunately, SRA Reading Mastery tests only examination call back skills. It does not give an accurate cess of the child's true comprehension skills. That's why it is then necessary to supplement this program with other comprehension programs. That's also why I explained that RM is a proficient transitioning program to use to develop fluency and vocabulary comprehension. While using this plan, it would as well be benign to use other programs such every bit Lindamood-Bell's Visualizing and Verbalizing in order to teach those higher club thinking skills. No child is going to pass state mastery tests from working in Reading Mastery alone! Marilyn |
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Bearding Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 24, 2001 four:35:39 PM Subject:Re: SRA Reading Mastery? Hi! I employ the Reading Mastery Fast Bike (I and Ii) in my Resource Heart and have had success with information technology. I should add together, nonetheless, that I do not use it the manner intended because I think information technology insults the kids a bit with it'southward "signals" and the similar. I use the teacher edition to assistance teach the "method" of the reading or sounding out, but cannot bring myself to hold up my paw or say the scripted lessons. I like how the lessons are planned, the repitition of the words, and the ease of which the kids find success. I concord with the others that information technology shoould not exist the sole reading in your grade, as the kids demand a chip more for comprehension. I also teach Reading REcovery which is nearly the opposite philosophy of the SRA program, but I accept managed to combine the basics from both programs and found a great deal of success. In fact, my students (class 2-4) near all accept gained two years (one student gained 1 year and a half, another grew more- he is now on class level) and have a number of tools to use instead of decoding alone. You may want to await at some books regarding methods used in Reading Recovery, and choose those that you think may help your students. Adept luck!!!! |
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Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Jul 25, 2001 10:34:15 AM Subject area:Re: almost impossible to do poorly ? Thanks for the clarification! |
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Anonymous Joined Mar 06, 2022 Posts: 69136Other Topics | Posted:Sep 03, 2001 ten:27:47 AM Bailiwick:Re: SRA Fast Cycle Hi, I asked questions about Reading Mastery before schoolhouse began and before I knew the restraints I would be dealing with in trying to help my children. I teach Resource for the outset time in 27 Years of experience and most of my children come up to me for 1 period a solar day (55 min). I am to teach reading, writing and math in this fourth dimension period as well every bit reinforce classroom skills. I have spent 3 weeks strugling to put together a programme that would successfully do all this, just I can not get it together. I attended a Workshop on SRA on Fri and was told SRA's Corrective Reading or Fast Cycle would be a better fit under these circumstances. What exercise you think? I feel to force per unit area get up and going now as most students 2d -5th are at least ii years behind in reading. I bought Reading Reflex before school started and use it with my 1st grader and lowest second grader, only the others think it's giddy. Assistance! Kathye |
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Source: http://www.ldonline.org/xarbb/topic/260
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